Citymonitor makes it possible to send automatic notifications to messenger apps (Facebook, Telegram) when certain thresholds are reached. This makes it possible to react quickly to certain situations. The possible uses are varied. Chatbots that provide information about open windows, temperature, environmental pollution or water pipe bursts are possible. Using Furtbot as an example, unnecessary traffic jams and resulting delays as well as noise and traffic pollution can be reduced.

Dornbirner Furt example

The ford near Dornbirner Ache is a very busy neuralgic traffic hub, especially during commuter traffic. During heavy rain, it is flooded and therefore impassable. There are also long backlogs, as to date only an information board 200 m before the ford has informed whether it is passable or closed.

Citymonitor integrates the existing barrier system, height measurement and the existing webcam. The Furtbot notifies commuters in advance of the current situation via push message and informs them when the ford is closed or has already been closed. This allows commuters to switch to other routes early on. Users can also have live images sent to them from the webcam installed on site. Care was taken to obscure the number plates.

“The Furtbot provides information automatically and in advance whether the ford is passable or blocked. In this way, barriers can be circumvented in advance.”

— Christoph Blank

The data is available live via Facebook Messenger and Telegram. And it works as simple as that:


1. Installing Messenger



2. Follow Furtbot


1. Installing Messenger


2. Open link to Furtbot

Become a fan of Furtbot on Facebook now and always receive updates and information about the current situation at the ford: