In times of increasing extreme weather events, particularly heavy rain and floods, many communities are facing new challenges. Climate change is increasing these threats and forcing cities and communities to find innovative solutions to protect their populations and infrastructure. The municipality of Lustenau is a pioneer in this area with its ultra-modern flood monitoring project.

The challenge: floods through the Rhine

Lustenau is located on the Rhine, which can become a serious problem during floods. Overflow basins, which quickly flood during heavy rain and thus endanger buildings, agricultural land and critical infrastructure, are particularly affected. These climate changes pose new risks for the community, which must be responded to quickly in order to minimize damage and ensure the safety of the population.

The solution: Comprehensive flood monitoring

To meet these challenges, a state-of-the-art flood monitoring system was developed. The aim of the project is to monitor water levels in real time and collect historical data in order to make well-founded decisions and take immediate action.

The system integrates measurement stations from Austria and Switzerland as well as its own sensors. Webcams record water levels and make it possible to trace the last 72 hours.

72 Stunden Webcamhistorie

All data is collected and visualized on a central dashboard. Emergency personnel can react quickly and specifically in an emergency, as the collected data is presented on interactive maps.

Kartendarstellung der Messtationen mit Schnellauswertung

Innovation and resilience: The future of flood protection

The special feature of the flood monitoring project in Lustenau is the seamless integration of various data sources and user-friendly visualization on an interactive map. This technology enables a precise and rapid response to flood events and supports emergency services and local authorities in coordinating protective measures.

This solution not only minimizes the current flood risk, but also lays the foundation for long-term resilience in the community. Historical data is collected and analyzed in order to constantly review and adjust the efficiency of measures.

Transferability to other municipalities

The project in Lustenau has great potential to be used in other municipalities as well. The combination of real-time data, historical records, and the integration of weather and surface data provides a comprehensive solution for flood management. Other municipalities can benefit from this experience and implement similar systems to better protect their populations.


Flood monitoring in Lustenau is a prime example of how modern technologies can be used effectively to meet the challenges of climate change. It shows that forward-looking planning and innovative solutions can not only increase the safety of the population, but also strengthen long-term resilience to extreme weather events.