The two Dornbirners Christoph Blank and Christoph Klocker were able to convince the committee with their sustainable project idea “Citymonitor” and received the coveted funding from Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft mbH.

“The aim of the program is to support young small companies that have already been founded and implement innovative projects to develop digital services, digital products or digital processes.” (aws Digital Innovation 2019, p. 1)

Program promotes digitization to achieve sustainable development goals

The development goals to be achieved (Sustainable Development Goals) include social, ecological and economic aspects. These include high-quality education, sustainable consumption and production, affordable and clean energy, and promoting the sustainability of cities and communities.

What is Citymonitor

Citymonitor collects and combines municipal data across different areas and visualizes it in a central platform. Both sensor data and existing public data sources can be integrated, which can be combined in any way for advanced analysis. This generates insights and recommendations for action that enable more efficient administration and significant cost savings. In addition, informative citizen dashboards can be provided for the general public, which create additional transparency.

Citymonitor dissolves vertical data silos and enables the analysis of data from different data sources and across different areas. For example, parking space and traffic data can be combined and compared with event data and, if necessary, measures can be taken to search for parking spaces more specifically or to calm traffic. In this way, a holistic view is possible and evidence-based decisions can be made — even across municipal borders.

In addition to citizen dashboards, one focus is the area of open data. Through simple digital processes, Citymonitor makes it possible to provide open and machine-readable data in no time at all and also to synchronize it with the nationwide portal for open data.

Smart pilot municipalities are now taking measures for digitization

With the cities of Bregenz and Dornbirn, the young start-up is already serving two major customers. The focus of these two pilot projects is on optimising energy budgets and resource-efficient management. This is achieved, among other things, by monitoring photovoltaic systems and counting water. No city or community is the same. Citymonitor offers individual solutions for every municipality, regardless of size and location, which are easy to implement and contribute to increasing economic efficiency. Waste management companies, operating areas or ski areas can also benefit from the innovative solution.

Source reference

aws Digital Innovation (DI2) Call (2019). 1st edition. Retrieved July 21, 2020, from